August 9, 2023

Systematic Abuses of Ethiopians May Amount to Crimes Against Humanity

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  • May 5, 2022 Audio
    In a new report, HRW and Amnesty International have documented abuses amounting to crimes against humanity and war crimes in Ethiopia’s Western Tigray Zone. We discuss key findings of this report with HRW’s Laetitia Bader and Amnesty’s Fisseha Tekle and Jean-Baptiste Gallopin.
    Men and women lean out of the windows of a bus
    audio content
  • April 5, 2022 Video
    Videos taken on December 14, 2020 show destruction to property in Division villages in Western Tigray. Satellite imagery: November 11, 2020 © 2022 CNES/ Airbus. Videos: Private
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  • April 8, 2021 Audio
    Power of the Streets Episode 7: Student leader Ruth Yitbarek wants more Ethiopian women to understand their rights and speak up for themselves. She speaks about the Yellow Movement that continues to grow in Ethiopia’s universities and how it challenges abusive societal norms. Read about the Yellow Movement here: http://www
    Animation of an African person looking into camera, a street and city are seen in the distance.
    audio content
  • October 19, 2018 Video
    The government of Ethiopia should commit to undertaking criminal investigations and prosecutions following many years of rights abuses in Jail Ogaden, a detention facility in eastern Ethiopia’s Somali region.
    video content
  • July 4, 2018 Video
    Prison officials and security forces have arbitrarily detained and tortured prisoners for years in the notorious regional prison known as Jail Ogaden. Ethiopia’s new prime minister, Dr. Abiy Ahmed, should urgently order investigations into the horrific situation, and the government should ensure regional security forces and officials are held accountable.
    An illustration showing prisoners being tortured in Jail Ogaden, Ethiopia.
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