“This Government is Failing Me Too”
South Africa Compounds Legacy of Apartheid for Older People

In 2024, the African National Congress that had governed the country for 30 years, lost its parliamentary majority. While the elections were peaceful, the lead up to the elections was marred by an increase in anti-immigrant hate speech scapegoating foreign nationals for the economic hardships experienced in the country. South Africa is in the top six countries with the highest femicide rates worldwide and sexual violence remains an enduring and endemic nightmare for women in South Africa.
South Africa Compounds Legacy of Apartheid for Older People
Perpetual Rights Risks from Unrehabilitated Coal Mines in South Africa
Improve Shelter Funding; Increase Access for Sex Workers, LGBT, Undocumented Survivors
Xenophobic Violence Against Non-Nationals in South Africa
87 Miners Die in Abandoned Mineshaft
Attacks on Civic Space, Media Have Far-Reaching Implications
Government Needs to Intensify Efforts to End the Violence
To Inform the Working Group's Upcoming Report on the Gendered Dimensions of Care and Support Systems
Case Studies Illustrate Harms from Austerity and Means-Testing Worldwide
Advancing the Right to Early Education at Home and Abroad
Stop Scapegoating Foreign Nationals Ahead of Elections