
Repression of Civil and Political Rights Ahead of Zimbabwe’s August 2023 Election

The 44-page report, “‘Crush Them Like Lice’: Repression of Civil and Political Rights Ahead of Zimbabwe’s August 2023 Election,” finds that the seriously flawed electoral process threatens the fundamental rights of Zimbabweans to freely choose their representatives. The electoral process has been undermined by the authorities’ adoption and use of repressive laws, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission’s lack of impartiality, the Zimbabwe Republic Police’s partisan conduct and use of intimidation and violence against the opposition, the opposition’s lack of access to voter rolls, and impunity for those responsible for election-related abuses.

A line of police with riot shields stand in front of protestors
A woman looks out of the window of a damaged building


  • April 5, 2018

    Child Labor and Human Rights Abuses on Tobacco Farms in Zimbabwe

    This report documents how children work in hazardous conditions, performing tasks that threaten their health and safety or interfere with their education. Child workers are exposed to nicotine and toxic pesticides, and many suffer symptoms consistent with nicotine poisoning from handling tobacco leaves. Adults working on tobacco farms in Zimbabwe also face serious health risks and labor abuses.

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    Cover of the Zimbabwe report in English
  • January 24, 2017

    Violations of Property and Inheritance Rights of Widows in Zimbabwe

    This report found that in-laws often tell women shortly after the deaths of their husbands that the relatives intend to take over the homes and lands or other property where the husband and wife had lived for decades. One widow quoted her brother-in-law’s words to her after her husband’s funeral, in front of the family that had gathered: “He said in my face, ‘You are rubbish and you will get nothing. I am taking everything.’”

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    Cover of the Zimbabwe report
  • February 3, 2015

    The Plight of Zimbabwe’s Tokwe-Mukorsi Flood Victims

    This 57-page report documents human rights violations suffered by people forced to suddenly evacuate their homes due to massive flooding in the Tokwe-Mukorsi dam basin in February 2014, which some experts say could have been avoided.

  • November 19, 2013

    Burst Pipes, Contaminated Wells, and Open Defecation in Zimbabwe’s Capital

    The 60-page report describes how residents have little access to potable water and sanitation services, and often resort to drinking water from shallow, unprotected wells that are contaminated with sewage, and to defecating outdoors. The conditions violate their right to water, sanitation, and health.

  • June 4, 2013

    Reforming Zimbabwe’s Security Sector Ahead of Elections

    This 44-page report describes how Zimbabwe’s military and other security forces have interfered in the country’s political and electoral affairs in support of President Robert Mugabe and his political party, ZANU-PF, preventing Zimbabweans from exercising their rights to free expression and association and to vote.
  • January 10, 2013

    The Need for Legal and Institutional Reforms Ahead of Zimbabwe’s Elections

    This report assesses the legislative and electoral reforms undertaken by the unity government, which was established in 2009 after the 2008 elections resulted in violence. The unity government consists of the former ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) and the two factions of the former opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC).
  • March 8, 2011

    Impunity and Cycles of Violence in Zimbabwe

    This report examines the lack of justice in several illustrative cases of political killings, torture, and abductions by government security forces and their allies during and after the presidential election run-off in 2008.
  • June 21, 2010

    Ongoing Human Rights Abuses in the Marange Diamond Fields of Zimbabwe

    Human Rights Watch has received new reports that soldiers in Marange are engaging in forced labor, torture, beatings, and harassment. Human Rights Watch documented rampant killings and other abuses in Marange last year.
  • April 20, 2010

    Repression of the Media and the Illusion of Reform in Zimbabwe

    This 26-page report says that the Zimbabwe Africa National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF), the former sole ruling party, still holds the balance of power in the coalition government forged with the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), the former opposition movement, in February 2009.
  • August 31, 2009

    The Zimbabwe Power-Sharing Government’s Failure to Deliver Human Rights Improvements

    This 20-page report highlights the transitional government's lack of progress in rights reforms in the six months since it was created.
  • June 26, 2009

    Human Rights Abuses in the Marange Diamond Fields of Zimbabwe

    This 62-page report documents how, following the discovery of diamonds in Marange in June 2006, the police and army have used brutal force to control access to the diamond fields and to take over unlicensed diamond mining and trading.
  • January 22, 2009

    Human Rights and Humanitarian Consequences of Political Repression in Zimbabwe

    This 33-page report details the Zimbabwean government's responsibility for the country's humanitarian crisis. A cholera epidemic has left over 2,000 Zimbabweans dead and another 39,000 ill. Over 5 million Zimbabweans face severe food shortages and are dependent on international aid.
  • November 8, 2008

    Erosion of the Rule of Law in Zimbabwe

    This 47-page report documents how ZANU-PF has compromised the independence and impartiality of judges, magistrates and prosecutors and transformed the police into an openly partisan and unaccountable arm of ZANU-PF. The report also documents how police routinely and arbitrarily arrest and detain MDC activists, using harassment and detention without charge as a form of persecution.
  • August 12, 2008

    Political Persecution of Opposition Activists and Supporters in Zimbabwe

    This 19-page report describes ongoing abuses, including killings, beatings and arbitrary arrests, by ZANU-PF and its allies against MDC members of parliament, activists and supporters before and after the June 27 presidential runoff election. Hundreds of MDC activists who fled the violence in the weeks before the vote remain in hiding, while armed ZANU-PF supporters and government-backed “war veterans” and “youth militia” continue to terrorize villagers in the rural areas, the report found. The government has made little effort to dismantle the torture camps and bases established by ZANU-PF and its allies since the first round of elections on March 29.

  • June 19, 2008

    Zimbabweans Seeking Refuge in South Africa

    This 119-page report examines South Africa’s decision to treat Zimbabweans merely as voluntary economic migrants and its failure to respond effectively to stop the human rights abuses and economic deprivation in Zimbabwe that cause their flight and to address their needs in South Africa. Human Rights Watch spoke to almost 100 Zimbabweans in South Africa about their plight.