Algeria: Arbitrary Travel Bans Against Critics
Authorities Targeting Activists, Journalists, Academics

Algerian authorities continue to crush dissent and close civic space by cracking down on critical voices and restricting freedom of expression, the press, association, assembly, and movement. Authorities also repress critical voices, including in the media, prosecuting activists, journalists, and lawyers for peaceful expression. They have tightened criminal legislation and use repressive laws against dissent, including anti-terrorism provisions. President Abdelmadjid Tebboune was re-elected for a second term in September 2024 in a climate of repression and muzzling of the media, absent genuine political debate.
Authorities Targeting Activists, Journalists, Academics
Male Guardianship Rules Hamper Travel, Other Movement
More than 170 protesters face prison terms
Leaders Arrested Ahead of Disputed Presidential Elections
Country Visit Report an Opportunity for States to Address Crackdown
(September 16 - 26, 2023)
UN Expert’s Visit Amid Unrelenting Crackdown on Dissent
Male Guardianship Rules Hamper Travel, Other Movement
Relatives, Journalist, Scholar Jailed in Apparent Retribution
Authorities’ Latest Blow to Independent Civil Society
Slimane Bouhafs Held for Offenses Including Insulting Islam, Terrorism
Efforts to Crush Domestic Protests Reaches Algerians Abroad
The #NotACrime Digital Campaign Was Launched by 38 Organizations, Including Human Rights Watch